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At IVARI AFRICA INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED, we understand that dealing with insurance claims can be a complex and time-consuming process, which is why we offer claims advocacy services to our clients. Our claims advocacy services are designed to help our clients navigate the claims process and ensure that they receive fair and timely settlements for their claims.

Our team of claims advocates works closely with our clients to manage their claims from start to finish. We assist our clients with the claims reporting process, gather the necessary documentation and evidence to support their claims, and negotiate with insurance carriers to ensure that our clients receive the maximum amount of compensation they are entitled to. Our claims advocacy services cover a wide range of claims, including property damage, liability, workers' compensation, and more. We have extensive experience working with insurance carriers and are well-versed in the claims process, which allows us to provide our clients with the guidance and support they need to achieve successful outcomes.

  • Claims reporting and documentation support
  • Claims investigation and analysis
  • Coverage review and analysis
  • Communication and negotiation with insurance carriers
  • Settlement negotiations and agreements
  • Appraisal and arbitration assistance
  • Loss recovery and subrogation
  • Litigation support and expert witness testimony.